Monday 16 January 2012


Finally, after falling in love with a perfume whilst working in Boots at the age of 20, I finally own it!

It's weird to think that it took me nearly 16yrs to buy it! I actually think it was the male version of the fragrance I fell in love with, as it reminded me of the sea a bit more, but actually I may be mellowing in my age, and at 35 I really love the female version of Acqua de Gio.

Memories of it? In the staff bathroom at Boots there were always bottle of spray/ perfumes around for staff to use up. Whether packaging was damaged, tops broken or used as testers, there was never a shortage of smells - most handy when going out straight after work!

Acqua was the one I ended up using all the time. It reminds me of a time where I was in between stages in my life, and feeling ready to kick out, move off and escape. Maybe that's why I like it now, it's almost recapturing my youth, but still suits me now, even with my huge change in lifestyle

Saturday 14 January 2012

Unwritten posts

I've actually had loads of posts running through my head. The biggest problem, is actually being somewhere to write all my thoughts down, in a coherent order at the time my thoughts are racing!

I'm not saying they're anything special, just that it would be nice to actually get the whole muddle out of my head!